

Crocker Highlands is lucky to have a strong, committed and talented parent community willing to help support our children in many ways. We ask each family to identify one (or more!) committee to join–there are opportunities to volunteer in ways that work for everyone. Some volunteer opportunities require as little as one hour of your time. For more information, please contact


The auction is one of our biggest fundraisers! A silent and live auction, dinner and dancing–we count on the participation of many parents to make this a success. To get involved, contact


This group’s mission is to put on events that develop and support community, as well as to help with many of the PTA fundraising events throughout the year. Everyone welcome! Contact to get involved.


The equity committee is composed of parent volunteers and staff members committed to promoting a fair and just educational experience for all students at Crocker and within OUSD more broadly. Contact to learn more or to get involved.


Are you interested in helping Crocker be more “Green”.  We are actively seeking a committee chair or co-chairs for this important committee.  If you are interested, please email


This committee supports library programs through development, maintenance, event/volunteer coordination and book & material selection. To get involved, contact Lisa Hobbs at


This group helps to update the computer lab in school, as well as works on the Crocker web site and other tech projects. To get involved, contact



To volunteer and get involved in any of the following programs, please contact


After School Programs Committee

Helps bring fee-based before and after school activities to the students at the school. Scholarships are available for every class. Examples of activities include Chess Club and Drama.

Book Fair Committee

Held in the fall and is a fundraiser for the Arthurine Crosse Library. You can shop for holiday gifts at this event and provide for a better school library at the same time. Students also get to hear from a real live children’s book author.

Carnival Committee

In May, on a Saturday, we host a simple but fun family Carnival. There are carnival games, prizes and a café; the kids love this one! Each class is responsible for one booth. Everyone is welcomed, including siblings, friends and neighbors.

Craft Fair

The Craft Fair is a lab for capitalism at its best. Students make and sell their own wares on a Saturday before the holiday season and keep their earnings.

Directory Committee

Need that phone number, e-mail or mailing address of someone in your child’s class? The Directory is your source for contact information for all students at Crocker Highlands.

Health and Safety Committee

Our Health and Safety team shares information concerning creating the health and wellness of our children.

Hospitality Committee

Our Hospitality team is always filling a back table with goodies for our PTA’s General Association meetings. They also coordinate monthly Teacher Appreciation Lunches.

New Parent Outreach

Our New Parent Outreach committee runs several information sessions a year to help show our school to prospective parents. It also facilitates the Buddy Program, which hooks up new parents with seasoned families for a more confident start at Crocker.

Community Service Day Committee

Organizes a Service Day during the year .

Room Parents Coordinator

Makes sure each class has at least one Room parent (preferably two) and one Treasurer.

Volunteer Coordinator

Whenever a program needs a hand, our Volunteer Coordinator puts out the call to deliver the bodies to complete a task.


Our website contains most of the information and links to navigate most of what happens at school. We are always looking for more volunteers to help manage and deliver excellent content.