Did you know that all Crocker events are now listed on Konstella?

If you have a Konstella account, you can sync a customized Crocker Event Calendar and/or a Participation Calendar with Google Calendar, Apple, Outlook, iCal, and Yahoo Calendar. Just follow the directions on Konstella’s calendar sync page (log in if necessary). The Event calendar includes both school events and events specific to your students’ classes / grades! The Participation calendar includes jobs you have signed up for and events you’ve RSVP’d to.

If you don’t have a Konstella account, you can click here to add a Google feed of school-wide events only to your Google calendar. If you use a calendar other than Google, you may still be able to add the calendar, but you’ll need to do a web search for instructions on how to add it.

We also display school-wide events on the right-hand side of the CrockerSchool.org homepage and on this webpage, but those pages don’t display school events specific to particular classrooms or grade levels.

Upcoming events are also published in our weekly school newsletter.

(Last Updated 11/28/2021)