Crocker Parents are invited to join in the work of the School Equity Committee formally known as the Diversity Committee.  Meetings are third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Library or Art Room.   RSVP for Childcare call 764-7764

Equity Committee Speaker Series alternates months with Equity Caucus Meetings;  African American Caucus, LGBTQ Caucus, Learning Differences Caucus, Disability Caucus, Latino Caucus, Asian American Caucus and more.

Crocker Highland community is entering, along with our society at large, a new chapter of social justice work and your participation is vital.  Creating a SAFE School means –that all our children feel accepted and valued. Please consider joining in this direct effort that focuses on the Crocker School environment.  We hope that, even though you may feel you and your family are “not diverse”, that you come willing to participate as an ally. The reality is that we all hold diversity in some manner in our families and to emulate being an ally to your children is just as important as proclaiming your diversity.

Crocker Equity Committee Co-Chairs,

Kampala Taiz-Rancifer  757-8262 Allison Rodman  763-7764


9/17    General School Equity Meeting  Welcome and intro for the year

10/15  Equity Caucus Meetings -First part will be a meeting together to talk about  achievement gap, restorative justice, what is a safe learning environment, and how to hone an integrated positive reward system (and we are not talking about candy and stickers) for our kids.  Followed by break outs of the individual caucuses.

11/19  Speaker:   Joseph Feldman of CASE,  Community Alliance for Special Education Presentation on how to advocate for children with physical and learning disabilities.   Learn about your IEP basic rights and how eligibility works.

12/17  Equity Caucus Meetings

1/21  Speaker;  Teri Gruenwald LGBTQ diversity trainer for school environments will speak to the homophobia that prevails in our society on it affects our children.

2/18  Equity Caucus Meetings

3/18  Speaker:   Beth Hall, PACT Director   “Different Family formations and Understanding Non-Adoptive Privilege” Adoption can be one of those silent differences that contributes to the achievement gap.

4/15  Equity Caucus Meetings

5/20  Speaker;  Dr. Antwi Akom, Professor of Ethnic Studies SFSU “Creating Environmental and Racial Justice in our Schools and Communities”